anarchy and finch

A web serial

Dramatis Personae

Sadie Crane, the anarchist Punk haunted by literal and figurative specters of their past. Hates the royal family of Arcadia and the royalists with a burning passion. Reckless, rule-breaking, ruthless. Listens to music on their portable cassette player. Their head talks to them in the voice of their deceased best friend.

Viola M’et-Sepirot-Keita, the anxiety-ridden best friend. Cowardly and often scared. Likes to think she’s the voice of reason. A dedicated skeptic. Loved more than she’ll ever admit.

De’afi of the Mother's Land, the ambitious aviator. Big and brash. Hates the cops. The soul of an artist. Would die for hir friends. Will believe anything you tell hir if it’s cool enough. Originally from The Sannite Islands. Loves and is loved by flying machines.

Sybil Basalt-Eislane, the ghost haunting Sadie Crane’s head. Their best friend. Their only true love. The worst and best thing that has ever happened to them.