Taking back the Internet one flag at a time.

I just think they're neat


The Bridgewater Astral League by Scott Benson.

Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg.

Open Library.

An online lending library featuring thousands of digitized novels and textbooks. Functions the exact same as an actual physical library, except in ebook format. Books can be borrowed for up to fourteen days and read through the Open Library website on any device. Just need to set up an account.


An app/website allowing you to access thousands of books, audiobooks, movies, documentaries, comic books, movies, and manga. And all you need is a valid library card!


More free ebooks and audiobooks, available if you have a valid library card (and there's a cute little app called Libby for your phone)

Queer Liberation Library.

A free digital library of mostly queer-related books and audiobooks. You just need to make an account and have a valid library card.

The Internet Archive.

A massive archive featuring millions of free books, movies, essays, music, etc. available for streaming or downloading without an account. The description is in the name.

Project Gutenberg.

Thousands of free ebooks, mostly classics and public domain.

Marxist Internet Archive.

A massive archive of leftist literature, available for reading online or download. Entirely free. You can browse by subject matter, which is extremely helpful.

12 Foot Ladder.

An often reliable tool for getting past paywalls and allowing unrestricted access to news articles.

Wiki Source.

A free online library. Includes transcripts of plays and movies.

Open Stax.

An open source education resource. Offers free textbooks, runs on donations